NordREG Work Programme 2015

At the NordREG Board Meeting, on February 26, the NordREG Work Program for 2015 was decided.

The work and cooperation of the Nordic Energy regulators will be significantly influenced by the European cooperation and the drive towards an internal European energy market in the coming years. This is reflected in the work programme 2015.

In 2015, NordREG’s work will be conducted through four main working groups:

  • Retail Market Working Group will continue the work from several years to work towards a harmonized Nordic retail market for electricity.
  • Wholesale and Transmission Working Group will pay special attention to the European development, especially the upcoming network codes and guidelines, towards developing and improving the functioning of the wholesale electricity market.
  • Network regulation Working Group will focus on sharing experiences etc. on the regulation of network companies in electricity transmission and distribution between the Nordic regulators and stakeholders.
  • Ad hoc Working Group on demand flexibility is a new working group, which will focus on the many aspects and challenges of demand flexibility as one of the ways to cost-effectively maintain and increase market functionality.

Read more on the specific tasks and goals of the working groups and NordREG in the Work Programme 2015.

For more information on the Work Programme 2015 please contact:

Henrik Gommesen, Danish Energy Regulatory Authority, +45 41 71 54 00