NordREG’s Work Program 2014

At the NordREG Board Meeting, on February 26, the NordREG Work Program for 2014 was decided.

In recent years NordREG has focused on laying down recommendations so that a common Nordic retail market could be achieved. During 2014 NordREG will continue the work on the main elements of the future common market and it is NordREG’s view that the analysis and recommendations provided earlier in the project are feasible and provide us with guidance for national implementation.

In addition to the work on a common retail market, NordREG will continue the work on developing and improving the functioning of the wholesale market. This work is to a great extent influenced by European developments and the move towards an integrated European market. The sharing of experiences within NordREG and with Nordic stakeholders concerning for example network codes will therefore continue and intensify during 2014.

As in previous years a Nordic Market report will also be published in 2014. During the year, a long-term business plan will be worked out, the plan would extend over several years.

For more information please contact:
Marielle Liikanen, Chair of the NordREG Retail Market Working Group, +46 16 16 27 46